learn by drawing.

How do people care about plants if they don’t know about them?

1 in 4 South Australian plants have a state listing under schedule:


Get to know one of South Australia’s most vulnerable plants by drawing it.

10 days – 10 plants


Set aside about 10 mins of your day for the exercise

Listen to the playlist to help you draw

Draw your plant how ever you would like

10 min playlist (Spotify)

15 min playlist (Spotify)

extended playlist (Spotify)


paper, paper packaging, recycled paper, reuse old drawings, footpath, driveway
pencils, pens, felt tip pens, biros, ink and brush , paint, textas, charcoal, pastels , crayons, chalk, clay paint (anything that makes a mark)


Write out the name of the plant 10 times

Hibbertia tenuis Hibbertia tenuis

Hibbertia tenuis

Hibbertia tenuis Hibbertia tenuis

Hibbertia tenuis

Hibbertia tenuis Hibbertia tenuis

write a letter to your plant


Talk about the plant you have just got to know with your friends and share your drawing if you like.