Community work.

Arts Program Manager 
Barkly Regional Arts 2008 - 2011


Over four years I worked as the Arts Program Manager at Barkly Regional Arts. Over that time managed and facilitated many projects across our range of programs including: Visual Arts, Desert Harmony Festival and Youth Arts This included seeking and administering funding, engaging visiting artists and staff, community consultation and facilitating the projects. 
Below are a few examples of work of projects that I worked on.

2010  Bush Medicine Project

Supporting and facilitating community initiated projects as part of the program. For example, senior artists from the community initiated the project - the Mungkarta Bush Medicine Project - in an effort to pass on their knowledge of local bush medicine plants to the children and young people of the community.  The project included a bush camping trip, ‘bush classroom’, The final outcome of the project was the production of a publication that detailed the plants collected and the artwork produced. The publication received excellent feedback from students and staff at Mungkarta school. This project was funding by the Natural Resource Management Board (NT) and was a collaboration with Barkly Regional Arts and the Central Land Council.


2011 Barkly Captured.

This was a special project that I feel really captures the Barkly community. The project involved giving out over 100 disposable cameras to the community to capture their world and life. This was a project that was owned by the community and I feel very honestly represents the community.


Desert Harmony Festival.

Both of these videos show highlights from the Desert Harmony Festival from 2009 & 2010, both of which I worked on as Arts Project Manager.


quiet reader


birds and bees